Important for the natural development of hair and skin; keeps the hair healthy.
Vitamin A can be found in Dairy Products, Fish Oil, Spinach and Apricots.VITAMIN BNecessary for protein metabolism and building the red blood cells that carry nutrients to different parts of the body, including the hair follicle and root.
Vitamin B can be found in Meat, Fish, some pulses, leafy green vegetables, dairy products and yeast extract.VITAMIN CHelps absorb other nutrients to the body and hair; neutralizes free radicals that may cause premature skin aging.
Vitamin C can be found in Citrus fruits, melon, broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, tomatoes and potatoes.VITAMIN DNecessary for skin and hair development
Vitamin D can be found in Salmon fish, liver and produced by the skin when exposed to sunshine.VITAMIN EAntioxident; helps healthy tissue grow
Vitamin E can be found in wheatgerm, nuts, broccoli, green leafy vegetables and whole grain.ZINCEssential for hair growth.
Zinc can be found in some nuts, whole wheat, red meat and eggs.IRONEssential for hair growth.
Iron can be found in red meat, pulses and spinach.